Friday, August 27, 2010


On Wednesday we had a potluck with the play date group. The play date group is pretty much the best group of Mamas and babies that has ever existed in the entire history of the universe. We have talked about everything from health insurance to post baby sex to homemade baby food to marital communication mishaps to carpet choices to books about circus elephants. When we first started to get together, you and the rest of the babes lay like lumps of fleshy clay on the floor while we drank coffee and ate brownies or animal crackers or grapes. Now we have to converse while stuffing grapes into your gaping mouths while simultaneously shielding our beverages from your sticky, grabby hands. In the winter, when the weeks seemed endless, their was a respite every Wednesday from 2:00-4:00. In the summer, it's been a delight to watch you guys dip your toes in wading pools and roll around on porches and attempt to poke one another's eyes out with various utensils.

I don't know if you will know these women when you are older, Thiz, but I hope you do. If you don't, I hope you are surrounded by women like them, women who are full of wisdom and patience but also honesty and vulnerability. Smart, talented women who want to be good Mamas but who admit things are going shitty when things are going shitty.

Your dad will start applying for jobs soon and the jobs will be in places far away. And while I won't be too sad to leave our town home and while I wouldn't mind some mountains a little nearer to our doorstep, it grieves me pretty deep to think about having to leave this circle of friends--my friends who have never known me without you and my friends who would never want to subtract you from me in order to know me better. We are lucky duckies.

(Note: photos totally ripped off from Donya, a Mama who knows her way around a camera)

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