Saturday, January 22, 2011

Actually, Anyway, Also

OK, OK, I've been a horrible blog post-person as of late. This is in part due to our busy-ness but mostly due to the fact that I'm trying to do some of my very own writing right now and sometimes I don't have time for both.

Actually, that's a lie. Sometimes I don't feel like writing in the blog in the evening, when I could, and instead of documenting the awe-inspiring, hilarious, touching moments of your growing up I instead watch Damages, a show in which Glenn Close wears a formidable number of button down shirts and manipulates everyone within spitting distance.

Anyway, here are some things that happened:

Mommy and Daddy went away for our very first 48 hour getaway. Here, "getaway" refers to "getaway" from you. Don't worry, I called at least six times during the 48 hour period. Daddy and I went to Lutsen where we skied and sat by a real fire and sat by a gas fire and ate prime rib and played Hand and Foot and almost crashed into a snow plow and saw a wolf eating a deer carcass and slid down the Lutsen parking lot hill six times backward and drank Choco Vine (which your father pronounces "Coco Vin" in a very deep throaty way) and read books and "slept" and slept. On the way to Lutsen we stopped at the GAP outlet and on the way home your father explained the history of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict to me which pretty much sums up the way we roll.

You have started sleeping in a good true awesome way. Generally this means to bed at 6:30pm, a half-hearted wake-up at 6:15am and a full true wake up at 7:00am. In the afternoon you still only sleep for around an hour but sometimes even longer. Awesomeness.

Also, you are developing this lovely sense of empathy that completely and totally breaks my heart. A few weeks ago at playdate, Trish went out to move her Subaru so that we could move our car and while she was gone, Anna became exceptionally sad (which makes sense, her mom was driving off without her in the Subaru) and as she wept at the window you went over to her, without prompting, and rested your hand on her shoulder. In Baltimore, Grandma Gail wasn't feeling particularly well and so spent a lot of time on the couch, resting. You spent a lot of time standing at the head of the couch and trying to engage her in various kinds of play. I know I spend a lot of time venting and complaining on this blog and so I will take a moment to be entirely cheezy and say that when I see this unprompted compassion in you I am just floored. It is this true sense of kindness that comes unbidden from nowhere and gives me hope for our majorly messed up world.

On to other random thoughts--

Our trip to Baltimore was very fun. We went to the aquarium and payed $24 so you could ride the escalators. We went to an Italian restaurant and laughed while Nora chased you (and Aunt Meghan's expensive phone which you happened to be holding) around the empty tables.

This has, by the way, become one of your favorite habits: running in circles. You ran in circles around Grandma Gail and Grandpa Michael's kitchen island with a bucket on your head and you ran circles through Meghan and Nels and Nora's house (at the end of a 3-hour play date) while Nora sat calmly and sweetly on the couch with Nels.

In addition to running circles, you are starting to speak more. Yesterday, as you and I went up and down endless staircases at St. Olaf, you said "stairs" over and over again. "Up" and "down" are also favorites now due to a fairly annoying Elmo video. You still don't say "Mama" much unless prompted. Mostly you makes "s" sounds that vaguely resemble words.

Also, it was -29 when we woke up yesterday morning. Without the wind. We learned, via an informative youtube video, that if you toss a cup of boiling water into -29 degree air it will immediately turn into a cloud.

And there is so much more that I could report--and in a much more articulate and organized way but--oh well.

I put your hair in pigtails for the first time the other day. You looked so grown up that I haven't quite been able to bring myself to do it again.

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