Monday, December 6, 2010


One of the oddest things about life with you is that some things that I never would have previously thought would be a battle are indeed a battle. Things such as: getting you to sit in a car seat or stroller, putting on your coat, changing your diaper, getting you out of the bathtub, peeling apples in the kitchen without you throwing a hissy fit. All of these things are, continuously, battles of epic proportions.

Conversely, things I would previously have thought might require training or coaxing or wrestling moves turn out to be pretty easy. Case in point: eating with cutlery.

One day, about two weeks ago, you simply decided that spoons and forks were the way to go. Now, if we put spoonable or forkable food on your highchair tray WITHOUT a bowl, fork and spoon to accompany said food item, you simply will not eat it. You are not, after all, a barbarian. You have a refined sense of class. That's why you like to scrape the wax off of candles with your teeth.


  1. LOL... I just posted on our blog about Henry not using a spoon (well, kinda...). :)
